Welcome to the Fit Hippy Dad!
I think the best introduciton to me is checking out the transcipt from my first YouTube channel video: FitHippyDad!
Welcome to the Fit Hippy Dad. My name is Scott. Hmm..why would I call myself that? Am I fit? I think so. Am I a hippy, not exactly. I’ll explain in a bit. Am I a dad? YES! So, why not call myself the Fit Hippy Dad. I’ve spent a lot of time deciding on a name for this channel. I recently changed the name from Fit Hippy Sober Dad and Fit Hippy Catholic Dad to the Fit Hippy Dad. Try saying that three times… I got rid of the sober and Catholic parts of the name. I changed the name to reflect that Fit means a lot more than just being physically fit. So, let’s take a brief dive into why I am the Fit Hippy Dad.
This video is more of an introduction to the channel and what to expect. Hopefully this will wet your appetite to subscribe and learn more about my journey. To begin,I don’t think the videos will be long in length. In fact, I may even try YouTube shorts. Regardless, I have bought the equipment I think I need for creating YouTube videos. And, I will be editing these videos. So, very much a work in progress.
How to describe a Fit Hippy Dad? Well, let’s dive into what a Fit Hippy Dad looks like…
Let’s start with being a dad. I am an older dad. Can you guess how old I am?….Well, any comments will come after I post this video so I’ll just answer truthfully, 55. I have a 10 and 9 year old. Yes, I started late at 45. I’m divorced so I co parent with their mom. This will be a topic that will be addressed down the road, I’m sure multiple times.
Okay, next let’s look at the Hippy part. I’m sure you can tell by looking at me that I am not a 60’s Hippy or whatever that means. I use the word hippy to describe my life with hip replacements. Yes, plural. I’ve had both done, left and right. The first, the right, was when I was 28 and the left was done when I was 32. The right was revised at 39. The left is still strong after 23 years. I live my life in a way that those in my life would not know I had hip replacements unless I share. After all these years, I feel like it’s time to embrace this part of my life and help others.
On to the fit part, well, fit much more than just physically fit, which I’ll get to in a bit. Physically, I am in better shape now than when I was 25, 35, 45. I weigh less now than when I was in 6th grade, same height. Let that sink in for a moment….how many people can say that. That is an accomplishment. I want to help others in their fitness journey. If I can do it, anyone can.
As I just mentioned, being fit is more than just physically. Being fit for me is a mental and spiritual journey. It’s about being in the right relationships, growing, learning from past mistakes, being a man of integrity, it’s about being sober-minded. I’ve made many mistakes. I am here for those mistakes. But, I’ve learned about myself. Being fit is learning from those mistakes and being a better man.
Spiritually, I’ve been Catholic for over 20 years. I grew up Lutheran. I went to a non-denominational Christian school from grades 7-12. Faith has been a part of my life from a very young age. There are many Catholic YouTube channels. I’m not here to convert anyone. I couldn’t begin to defend my faith like many of these great YouTube channels. If anything, I struggle with purpose and doubts and faith every day. I’ll share that journey.
Okay, so in this brief introduction I have covered what the YouTube channel name Fit Hippy Dad is all about. I want to take a moment now to explain why I am doing this. It is simple: I want to leave something for my children. I want to model integrity for my children I want to attempt to make a difference for my children. This leads me to where I got the motivation to do this. It’s been with me for a long time, but it really took on more meaning thanks to one man. I want to give a shout out to Dwayne from Dry Creek Wrangler school. I’ll put a link to his YouTube channel in the show notes. He originally started his channel so that he could leave a legacy, something for his kids and grandkids to have of him. Something to leave when he is gone. It’s hard to describe his YouTube channel other than to just say that he is full of practical wisdom for everyday life. He has almost 1.5 million followers so clearly he is doing something right. I’ll add a link to his YouTube channel in the show notes.
As we wrap up, I just want to thank anyone who watches this video. Since I only have four subscribers as of now, and I’m not sure how I even have these four, I have no idea how this YouTube channel will connect with people. For episode two, I will dive into a bit more deeply my fit hippy journey.
Please check my website at fithippydad.com and hope you come back for the next video.
Thanks, until next time, God bless!