• My Physically Fit Journey-Part 1

    Please check out the transcript to my 2nd YouTube video. Enjoy! Welcome back to the Fit Hippy Dad YoTube channel.  My name is Scott.   I am beyond grateful that you are checking out my channel. Today  is about my fit journey, specifically the physical part.  If you checked out the first video now in podcast form,  I mentioned that being fit is much more than being physically fit.  It’s about being physically, and mentally, and spiritually fit.  It’s about being sober-minded. I will address those aspects of being fit in another video.  But ,for now, let’s dive into my fit journey, my physically fit journey.  There is a hippy part…

  • Welcome to the Fit Hippy Dad!

    I think the best introduciton to me is checking out the transcipt from my first YouTube channel video: FitHippyDad! Enjoy: Welcome to the Fit Hippy Dad. My name is Scott. Hmm..why would I call myself that?  Am I fit?  I think so. Am I a hippy, not exactly.  I’ll explain in a bit. Am I a dad?  YES! So, why not call myself the Fit Hippy Dad. I’ve spent a lot of time deciding on a name for this channel. I recently changed the name from Fit Hippy Sober Dad and Fit Hippy Catholic Dad to the Fit Hippy Dad.  Try saying that three times…  I got rid of the…